High-Quality Early Learning
and Child Care

Parent Partnerships

Parental Involvement is an important component at Kidz Biz Prep. Our partnership with our families is important to our programs success!

Our parents are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways, including chaperoning field trips, assisting with classroom projects, volunteering for holiday parties, attending parent workshop and assisting with fundraisers!

Parent communication is another important part of our program. Our center keeps frequent and open lines of communication with our parents, through daily reports, monthly newsletters, formal and informal assessment, parent/teacher conferences, parent meetings and parent workshops.

​Communicating is essential in strengthening the home-school connection. Our goal is to build a strong sense of community among our students, families and staff.

"We feel that we are an extension of your family and your family is an extension of ours"

get in touch

7118 N. Hanley Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042
Phone: 314-989-9067
Email: m.moore@kidzbizprep.com

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